Monday, May 30, 2011

Spiritual Rejuvenation

Overdue Spiritual Rejuvenation:

It's here.

Seek it. Accept it. Live it.

We all come to a moment in life at where we simply ought to ask for help. This time is not ideal for pride, selfishness or shyness - just do it. It's okay to seek out the ones who know you best (like.. the Creator who KNOWS you and your friends, too) because you need them.

I need them, and I have realized for far too long I have made the endless excuses to keep running as fast as I can without taking time to stop.

The bible of faith and reason is filled with ordinary people like you and I who are in a time of desperation for something. A void that is filled by only One Love.

Remember: All diamonds have to refined in a fire before they can shine.

Spiritual Rejuvenation. Inspiration. Relief. Fire. Welcome :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Three Steps Forward, One Step Back

There are times when I feel like my life is making progress. I'm taking those three steps forward. They may be baby steps or giants leaps - either way I am beyond where I used to be. 

Then, there are times when I feel like all the sudden life is making me take a step backwards. Why?

Could we be missing something when we take so many steps forward without remembering where we came from? Perhaps, those steps back are a reminder. It's okay to take one or two steps back every now and then. Life is not always about the progress we are making forward. Rather, it's about the journey and process we take getting to wherever we are going. 

Embrace the moments where life is taking you back. It's probably for a good reason. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010


A new question for you: Would you rather learn a hard lesson now.. or.. learn it later..

Majority of us learn lessons the hard way. In my life, more often than not, I learn my lessons by making mistakes, evaluating why I did what I did, and then trying to adjust to not make that mistake again. Am I successful? Rarely. Sometimes it takes multiple times of making the same mistake before you really catch on to what the problem is. The problem may be hidden. You may think it's something else. Almost like it disguises itself. But, eventually the problem will present itself in some form and you will know.

...Then what?

You have two choices. To learn from it for good or keep making the mistake.

Hard lessons are inevitable. Like trying to avoid writing a paper or studying for a test in college. You can spend days procrastinating and thinking that it will eventually go away. But, it doesn't. It's always on your mind until you either stress yourself out getting it done at the last minute or you never do it and suffer the consequences.

If you prepare for that test, study, read, whatever you need to do it still may be hard BUT you'll learn more about the process that it takes to succeed to do better next time.

A hard lesson learned now saves time in the future. Time you could be spending on figuring out another hard problem that leads to more success.

If you're like me - we strive to be more success, to learn new skills and to do things effectively. Why? To eventually help others to the same. So we can teach them. Because, life is all about learning and teaching.

You have to learn now..or..later.. so what's your choice?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's The Little Things..

You know the saying "it's the little things that mean the most".

It's so true. I am a person of simplicity. The smallest things can bring me joy in the day.

Usually, it has something to do with music. It entertains me for hours. I like the combination of instruments, which I could enjoy individually any day, coming together to make something that moves us within our very core. Music speaks to who we are. That's why we enjoy it so much. We relate to the words and emotions portrayed through sound.

Lately my choice of music has been Country. Please, no boo-ing or eye-rolling. Country music is simplicity at it's finest. The lyrics usually have a story to tell about enjoying the simple things in life and being completely satisfied (once you get past cheating and love-sick songs). But anyways...

It's the little things...

Like talking with a friend. Whether it's a deep conversation about life or a light-hearted conversation about a joke you hear today or helping them out with a problem we enjoy it.

Like watching a kid play the piano. Today while I was trying to work hard on a project of my own my brother decided to walk into the office and start pounding on the piano. At first I got angry. I was trying to work and he just comes in with his own agenda. But, I stopped and watched him play. He knows nothing about how to correctly play the piano but you could see his imagination and creativity going wild as he played each note on the piano. It brought a smile to my face.

Like walking through the neighborhood. You see families interacting with one another. Animals running through the trees and bushes. The feeling of a cool-evening breeze. A sunrise coloring the sky. The stars and moon lighting up the dark night.

Laughing. Joking. Running. Walking. Talking. Listening.

Life is all about the little things. The beauty of it can be found in the details. Be careful though that you miss the big picture.

What are the little things in your life that bring you a smile?

If you are having trouble thinking of some I encourage you to just stop and look around you. We can easily get caught up in this fast-paced life and lose sight of what is really important.

A little bit of Love goes a long way.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Welcome to the Journey

For years people whom I have met (friends, professors, supervisors) have encouraged me to begin writing my thoughts in a blog. I will be the first to say "blogging" was something I considered corny and too cliche to do. Now, after spending another long 12 weeks at Culver-Stockton College experiencing the full weight of a College Junior, getting myself over-involved in organizations while searching for the meaning of life itself, I am giving into the blogging movement in our society to relieve stress and inspire the minds of other colleagues.

Everybody I know searches for inspiration. I do every day. We all find comfort and peace in the words of a friend to get us through the day. It has become one of my passions - to inspire others. With inspiration comes challenging words, however, and at that expense becomes taking mental risks into the unknown realms of philosophy and the way we see the world.

That is what this blog is about.

Begin thinking. Start writing.

Every one has to start somewhere to get to a new place.

The journey we call life is a road traveled best with companions. Let's go together.

Are you with me?